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作者:     发布时间:2018/04/01     点击数:




通讯方式: zhulin1124@aliyun.com







1、  校级教研项目:环境化学(智慧课堂)(编号:xj201846),201812-202012月,在研,主持。




1、安徽省自然科学基金,脱落酸代谢菌Rhodococcus sp.改善滁菊连作障碍的机理研究(编号:1908085QC110),201907-202106月,在研,主持;








1、        Zhou C (#),  Ma ZY, Lu XM, Zhu L (*),  Wang JF (*).  Phenolic Acid-Degrading Consortia Increase 

Fusarium Wilt Disease Resistance  of Chrysanthemum. Agronomy, 2020, 20: 385.

2、        Zhou  C (#),  Ma ZY, Lu XM, Zhu L (*),  Yan CS (*).  Pseudomonas fluorescens MZ05 Enhances Resistance  against Setosphaeria turcica by Mediating Benzoxazinoid Metabolism  in the Maize Inbred Line Anke35. Agriculture, 2020, 20: 32.

3、         Cheng Zhou  (#), Lin Zhu , Xin Xiao, Zhongyou Ma (*), Jianfei  Wang (*). Bacillus subtilis STU6 ameliorates iron  deficiency in tomato by enhancement of polyamine-mediated iron  remobilization. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67(1):  320-330.

4、        Lin Zhu(#),  Jiansheng Guo,  Zhongyou Ma, Jianfei  Wang,  Cheng Zhou (*). Arabidopsis Transcription  Factor MYB102 Increases Plant Susceptibility to Aphids by Substantial  Activation of Ethylene Biosynthesis. BIOMOLECULES, 2018, 8(2):0-39.

5、        Lin Zhu (#), Jian Zhu, Zhixue Liu, Zhengyi Wang, Cheng Zhou,  Hong  Wang (*). Host-Induced Gene Silencing of Rice Blast  Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae Pathogenicity. Genes, 2017,810: 0-241.

6、        Cheng Zhou(#),   Lin Zhu(#),  Zhongyou Ma, Jianfei Wang(*).  Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SAY09 Increases Cadmium Resistance in Plants by  Activation of Auxin-Mediated Signaling Pathways. Genes, 2017.7, 8(7).

7、         Cheng Zhou(#),  Lin Zhu(#),  Yue Xie,  Feiyue Li, Xin Xiao,  Zhongyou  Ma,  Jianfei Wang(*). Bacillus licheniformis SA03  Confers Increased Saline-Alkaline Tolerance in Chrysanthemum Plants by  Induction of Abscisic Acid Accumulation. Frontiers in Plant Science,  2017.6.29, 8. 

8、         Lin Zhu (#),  Jiansheng Guo,  Cheng Zhou, Jian Zhu (*). Ectopic  expression of LBD15 affects lateral branch development and secondary cell  wall synthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Growth Regulation, 2014,73(2):  111-120. 

9、        Lin Zhu (#), Jiansheng Guo, Jian Zhu, Cheng Zhou (*).  Enhanced expression of EsWAX1 improves drought tolerance with increased  accumulation of cuticular wax and ascorbic acid in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant  Physiology and Biochemistry, 2014, 75: 24-35. 

10、      Cheng Zhou(#),  Jiansheng Guo(#) , Lin Zhu, Xin Xiao, Yue Xie, Jian Zhu, Zhongyou  Ma(*), Jianfei Wang(*). Paenibacillus  polymyxa BFKC01 enhances plant iron absorption via improved root systems and  activated iron acquisition mechanisms. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,  2016.8, 105: 162~173.


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